2021-Nissan-Ariya-910Nissan unveils a rich palette of body finishes for the Ariya, all inspired by the innovative nature of the lineup. Driven by the ambition to bring the worlds of electric vehicles and design elegance together, the Nissan team has created a futuristic vehicle with tons of features.

There are four monotone and six two-tone variants, all exclusively created to enhance the visual impact of the new Ariya. Also, the paint is applied by an advanced and environmentally sustainable paint production technology which reduces the carbon dioxide output by 25 per cent.

There are also two unique finishes, named Akatsuki Copper and Aurora Green, both captivating the sporty essence of the Arya lineup. Inspired by the Japanese phrase "dawn", Akatsuki Copper mimics the beauty of the sunrise, reflecting Nissan's refreshed brand identity. The finish comes with metallic sparkle and honours the brand's advanced EV technologies.

On the other hand, the Aurora Green is inspired by the Northern Lights phenomenon, commonly seen in the arctic. The paint blends different tones and grants the chameleon effect – some time the vehicle can appear green or purple, depending on the angle and the type of light that illuminates it.

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Also, Pearl Black is a new pigment, developed to explore the depth of the paint and add a rich and captivating appearance. Some advanced technologies were also used for the Pearl White body finish, which adds crisp and clean visuals, especially when blended with the contrasting black roof and other black exterior components.

Nissan has also released a video in which viewers can have more insight into the exclusive paints project. Watch it now!


Source: Nissan

Video Source: YouTube